Tuesday, December 26, 2017

From one hat to another

I was searching for the perfect yarn to use for a Christmas present when I found it-in my finished hats bin, knitted up into a hat already. I love knitting hats and creating experimental patterns. I knitted this hat with a tube on top. It reminded me of the Snorks, rememer those?

Anyway, it was a failed hat to be honest; too big for a small person, and probably too crazy for most big people. I decided to turn it into a different and more successful hat.

There are times, when reusing yarn, in which one would unravel the project, rewind it into a skein, wash it, dry it, and wind it into a ball to be used again. This was not one of those times. I just knit one hat straight into another. This was Christmas knitting after all, time is too precious when knitting holiday gifts.

I wanted to make stripes so I found a contrasting yarn in the recipient's favorite color and of I went.

 And done. I had previously knitted a child sized scarf with the same yarn so it was a perfect gift set! 

Happy Christmas to those who celebrate. Bring on the season of light!

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