Friday, September 17, 2010

In the Heat of the Night

This entry is in honor of my friend who almost burned her apartment down trying to be crafty. For this I give her a Crafty Badge of Bravery.

How to make candles out of the wax from your old candles:

Step One:
Go to the thrift-store and purchase an old saucpan that you will use only for crafting. Go to a craft store and buy candle wicks.

Step Two:
At home, make a double boiler by filling a slightly bigger saucepan about one-third of the way with water. Bring this water to a simmer. Collect your candle wax. If there are huge chunks, break them into smaller ones to speed up the melting process. Place them into the thrift-store pan. Place your thrift-store pan into the simmering water. Keep the heat on medium-low to low. This will gently melt your wax. Swirling is the best way to mix it. That way you don't have to get a utensil all waxy.

Step Three:
Here you can either begin the lengthy process of dipping your wick into the wax repeatedly to make a dipped candle, or you can pour it into a mold like a small milk carton (the kind from lunch in grade school). If you pour it into a mold, make sure you tie your wick to a pen or pencil and place it on top of the mold to that it hangs down into the mold. Then carefully pour your wax in. Leave your wick tied to the pencil until the wax has hardened. If you make a dipped candle, tie the wick to a wooden spoon or the like, dip your wick into the wax letting it harden between each dipping. Keep adding layers until the candle is the desired thickness. Hang it up to dry.

Step Four:
When you are quite sure that your candle has completly hardened, you may remove the candle from the mold and trim the wick. Or for a dipped candle, trim the bottom so that it fits into your candle holder.

Step Five:
An easy way to clean up the wax from the pan is to stick it in the freezer for a while. Then take it out and chip the wax out and into the trash bin.

That's the basics. You can do it!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahah! Oh, I love it! And just so you know, my hand is doing just fine.
